Where to Host Your Animated Video?

Posted on by Viswa Dandu.

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So you have decided to jump in the bandwagon and join the recent trend of making videos a part of your marketing strategy. That’s great! But where should you host your animated videos? A lot depends on this decision. Decisions like these should be made carefully. A lot of business people are very eager to host their animated videos ads themselves. We think that might not be such a good idea. When you use professional video hosting sites, you get to use all the resources they already have. Plus, it’s great for search engine optimization (SEO).

There are a number of great video hosting sites out there that will suit a animated videos marketing campaign. Some of them are very popular, while some of them are yet to make it big. We have prepared a small list of host sites that we think are commendable.

  1. YouTube: All of us have heard of it. Some of us have probably already used it for personal work. Now it’s time to employ YouTube to help your business. YouTube is a part of Google, which means its SEO game is simply unbeatable. If you host your video ads on YouTube it automatically snags a spot on Google and on multiple other search engines tied with Google. YouTube’s tagging system is also conducive to business. If you hire professional content writers educated in SEO, you can tag your animated videos in such a way that they show up high in search rankings. Also, paying YouTube to promote your video can attract a very, very big number of viewers. Basically, if you’re looking for the #1 video hosting website, this is it.


  1. Vidyard: This vid-hosting website was specially built for the purpose of marketing. And the fact that it was custom built for marketers shows clearly in its features. You can try out different thumbnails for your video, as well as use the site’s services to collect contacts and leads. Vidyard lets you add customized call-to-actions to your video, which we think is a very useful feature for business campaigns. This video hosting site is connected to many great marketing platforms such as Hubspot, Hootsuite etc. which allow you to keep an eye on the progress and success of your marketing strategy. Since it’s built for professionals, Vidyard requires a fee from all its members but you’re allowed to test every single one of its feature for a 14 day long trial period to make up your mind about it.


  1. Vimeo: which originally started out as a platform for amateur filmmakers and people looking to share their personal videos, has become a medium for businesses now. It has been redefined to suit the needs of various marketing campaigns. The new design includes various special features like viewership ratings, areas of popularity and reachability of your ads. Vimeo is a blessing because it is costs much less than the other video hosting sites, which makes it perfect for small-time businesses and startup companies looking to find their ground.


  1. Facebook: It’s not perfect for the job, but it gets it done. Especially if you pair it up with Business Group Page on this social networking site. It gives you excellent updates on feedbacks and reachability of your videos animated. The statistics are updated very frequently and you can get detailed accounts of viewers and other related information. And because it is a social network, the option of sharing and spreading the word is available to your followers which may help increase the viewership of your marketing animated videos.